is spirituality? Lead a righteous life. Then what is righteousness?
Do the right things in all our relations, social as well as
environmental. Then what is right in all our relations? At this point
we have to think about our existence then only we can answer it
is the performance of two opposite functions, internal and external.
But both are related each other. We can think a little bit more about
it. If the internal functions are not performing well in individuals;
not only in individuals but also in entities like society,
organizations or nations; it can exists no more. OK,is it possible to
exist individuals if the performance of internal functions are going
well? Yes, but the question is that whether the performance of
internal functions go on with out any interference? No, we have to
perform some external functions to maintain this internals. Means
without external there is no internal, they are correlatives. And if
there are internal, there should be external too. In nut shell,
whatever we perform externally is for the sake of the performance of
internals. Therefore when we perform functions externally we have to
ask or check to know whether it is for the optimum function of
internals. If it is more than this scale or less than that, we are
not doing the right things, we are not righteous. When we encroach
environment we have to make sure that it should be for the existence
not for more than that, means it should not be to quench our greed.
Whatever wealth you amass it doesn’t matter, you will not be able
to consume them beyond the amount of what you need to exist or beyond
the capacity of your internals. If you consume everything that
attracts you, lead by Eve-Psychology, then you will be blessed with
some troubles having beautiful and sweet names (totally they are
known as “Life Style” diseases). Why? Doing nothing, having much;
not the right thing, not righteous or not at all spiritual.
the truth is that our internals have inevitably been influenced
externally .And we cannot exist without this process. Means our
internal world depends always on an external world. So, we have to
relay on the immediate and tangible external world to maintain our
existence, but when we interact with this outer world , it also
interact with us and attract us more and more. We gradually become
the integral part of this world and this world become an inseparable
part of us. This is not right otherwise not righteous. As I
mentioned in one of my earlier posts. We should not be controlled by
material world, one more world is working in us. If we are controlled
by this material world, then we will not have any control over outer world. Then what
to do?
have to think , or ask a question, whether it is this tangible world
is the external force that help us to exist, or any other element
exists that helps even this tangible world to exist? We can see this
tangible world, itself, is functioning by the help of an intangible
external. Some principles. Then which is better to rely on, immediate
external or the absolute external-the intangible? Means, which should
be considered as important or primary? Not the tangible external but
intangible external .That doesn't mean without material means we can
exist. If we have material existence we have to rely on material
external to maintain it. But, again, which is primary and which is
secondary? If the intangible external is primary then the tangible
external become the secondary, means we depend on it only for the
sake of material existence, we will not exploit the nature and
society like anything and invite undesirable consequences. These
consequences are not new for human race, it happened even in the time
of Noah, the flood. Our priority should be for the intangible
external,then we use the tangibles for this priority. If it is in
the reverse order, our priority will be for the tangible external.
The intangible become the secondary, so we try to use it for our
tangible priorities. Any way these both cannot be our masters at the
same time, says Bible. We love either one of them and consider the
other as secondary and neglect in practical life.
of the people who believe in an intangible force for the sake of their
material priorities. They belittle it considering it as a tool to
exploit the world. Then the consequence is not far away. We have to
remember the history, the french revolution. The God, church and
everything became the tool to amass wealth by exploiting the society
and nature, there in France. That made the revolution an inevitable
have to understand that no material gains bring us happiness.
Happiness is a state of mind, or in a better language, it is a
psychological phenomenon, we can maintain it. Look at a child, why it is
happy? Because of the possession of great wealth? No, we use the easy
one word answer 'psychology', not 'economics'.
with wealth we will not have happiness, the principle of happiness is
not wealth. And if you need wealth for the right purpose, it will
come. Dream about such a project, a purpose, then the needed wealth
will come along with you. Remember not for the wealth, but for the
good cause, you give the priority.
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