We need to have a little understanding about mind to use it effectively for our progress.
There are two views on the explanation of mind. Many Psychological books define
it as the result of total function of sense organs. It will be foolishness to
think so. Why? Consider the state of unconsciousness. In this state mind
is not working. If the above mentioned definition or explanation is correct,
this state of unconsciousness is the result of total numbness of sense organs or
non-functional state of sense organs. Is it true? Not at all. In the unconscious state first mind malfunctions, the result is the non-functional sense organs. Actually organs are in proper condition but mind is in "strike". From this, we have to understand that mind is an organ that controls the five other organs. This is the sixth organ through which the sixth sense is available .
Genesis chapter 2:25 says like this "The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame." Any way, they were not blinds still they felt no shame. Whose strength is that ? Mind or the organ of vision? We often blame the outer world for our emotional state and feelings. That is a big lie, our feelings and emotions are the creation of our mind, means our belief, in short, what we believe that we are. The five channels cannot create us, but our mid can create, remould, us. Many great men are the creation of their mind, their state of mind or their mental attitude.One of my favorite writer is O.Henry. He was an American criminal. American judiciary sentenced to send him to jail in Ohio. Jail life completely cut him off from the outer world and from his pleasures. His mind found this opportunity as the best time to function and started telling stories . That stories made him one of the world famous story teller in English. I like 'Ramayana' and 'Mahabharatha'. The authors of these world classics were illiterate Indian tribal men, Valmeeki and Vyasa. Valmiki was a criminal, his job was looting passengers. He decided to change himself after the commend his wife made over his job. He decided to cut himself off from the world and meditate. when he controlled his sense organs, the mind began to work at its full swing and became the master. The mind began to recite a beautiful and unique story. What made him able to create such a work? His inner being, mind. Gandhi has mentioned many times in his autobiography that he took decisions and worked according to the inner call he had time to time, he was a man who cut himself off from the worldly passions and pleasures .
Adam and Eve lead a life without caring the surroundings. They didn't care their environment or outer world. Someone talked them from their inner world. They opened their ear to this talk always. But the perpetual interaction of their outer world with their mind and heart succeeded in taking control of their inner world. So the outer world became their inner world. The outer world influenced their inner through the five channels. The sense organs began to control the mind and mind lost the quality as an independent organ. So they began to become slaves of material environment. So the things changed, they began to be molded by environment. The new principle came into being " You are the product of your environment". That is why Adam blamed Eve and Eve the serpent. A care free life, nobody needed to take effort, but the situations and environment. Yes, but the result will be "The Lost Paradise". They ran after contact-born pleasure. What was the result? All negative feelings began to make nest in their inner being. They felt shame, then fear so and so. No happiness. Pleasure and happiness are different facts which lead human to different poles. Happiness leads us to the pole that is opposite of the pole where pleasure leads us to.
So don't try to be the product of your social and natural environment. Take effort to become the product of your inner being. Then your social and natural environment will be your product. A lot of examples are there Gandhiji, Abrahan Lincoln, the trio in American freedom fight John Hancock, Samuel Adam and Richard Henry Lee etc.
What is the serpent's philosophy by which Eve was advised? "How the world so we are, so taste it and know it". We know that snakes have limitation to know their surroundings. They cannot hear sounds. So they always flutter their tongues in the atmosphere to feel the sound waves, taste the waves and know, that is their method and philosophy. It offered one more thing that if she tasted, she would know good and evil. Till that moment she saw everything as good, very positive. But snake offered the knowledge of evil, negative, as bonus in that sale.
So don't try to be a serpent-philosopher going after the pleasures and attractions. Keep your mind and heart away from the influence of surroundings and be positive. You can influence the surroundings positively.
So don't try to be the product of your social and natural environment. Take effort to become the product of your inner being. Then your social and natural environment will be your product. A lot of examples are there Gandhiji, Abrahan Lincoln, the trio in American freedom fight John Hancock, Samuel Adam and Richard Henry Lee etc.
What is the serpent's philosophy by which Eve was advised? "How the world so we are, so taste it and know it". We know that snakes have limitation to know their surroundings. They cannot hear sounds. So they always flutter their tongues in the atmosphere to feel the sound waves, taste the waves and know, that is their method and philosophy. It offered one more thing that if she tasted, she would know good and evil. Till that moment she saw everything as good, very positive. But snake offered the knowledge of evil, negative, as bonus in that sale.
So don't try to be a serpent-philosopher going after the pleasures and attractions. Keep your mind and heart away from the influence of surroundings and be positive. You can influence the surroundings positively.