Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Power of attitude in life

The success lies in happiness. Means, with the state of mind. State of mind play a great role in life. That determines the  life and future of a person. State of mind or attitude towards  social as well as natural environment determines what a man is.

Let us look into Bible. Genesis 4: 3-7  . Abel offered a portion what he produced and Cain also did so. But Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering. But he didn't looked with favor on Cain. Why? Both offered  portions of what had Lord given them. Then the problem was not  on what they offered. Then what? Lord knew before hand that Cain had the habit of maintaining  negative emotions and mental states,that are destructive, in his life . So Lord was not only testing Cain  but also proving that this negativism takes men to destruction. Lord didn't blame Cain before he became angry. When he got angry, what did lord ask?  "7If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?" Look into the grammar of this sentence. The question is not like this" If you did what is right........."  That means the problem was not on what he offered, but on what he continues doing, the habit, the character  --Getting angry and envy. When the things were not favorable, he found reason on his brother. He might have thought that Abel did a better job than he did, that was the problem. No, Abel had positive attitudes that God approved as fruits of spirit. Lord warned Cain saying" But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.” This  mean that, if Cain had changed his attitude even at that moment, even after the warning, he also would have been favorable for God.
So do whatever we do with a positive attitude. Not focusing on what others doing or to defeat others. Cain last decided to defeat Abel, what was the result? And don't compare our work and performance with others, that is the result of Cain-complex. We can compare our work and performance with our yesterday's work and performance and thereby improve ourselves. We are blessed  or we succeed not only by what we do, but by  the mentality, the state of mind or the attitude we maintain in life . 

Look into the life of Gandhi. He did everything with a sacrificial mind. Even at the time of sufferings he found utmost satisfaction in his life. He succeeded in his fight without wealth, without weapons even without trained men. The reason, he fought with positive mind and great faith. He was not fighting against anyone, he fought for freedom that was the right of a nation. The British were not his enemies.   He had not been endeavoring to become a world leader or even a national leader defeating some one else, but at last  he became so. 
I needn't mention the life of Jesus here to explain the same. So the real change, development or improvement is the result of maintaining positive attitude always. When we try to prosper or improve we should not posses Cain-complex, encroaching on others. Cain was a farmer, he might have encroached upon  nature as well as Abel . God mightn't have liked that also. Today we face many environmental problems because of selfish encroachment on nature,Cain-complex, defeat or destroy nature to have comforts.
Try  to maintain positive mentality for a certain period, the result will be beyond our expectation.  No doubt.