Thursday, December 29, 2011

Role of Quality and Quantity in Change and development

John 12:24

Let us examine the change of wheat kernel described in this verse. The wheat kernel buried in ground under goes changes. Changes begin in its quality. Gradually it gives up its existing qualities in small quantities and achieve some new qualities .  This process will not continue infinitely, at a particular point, this seed entirely giving up its old existence, acquire a qualitatively quite new existence, transforms to new life as a sprout. It dies as a seed and lives as a sprout,comes to a new stage. Continue this process and goes through different stages and at last it multiplies. Sprout becomes sapling, then plant, then blooms and bears fruit. At each stage a death happens and new self comes to existence. At each stage the quality-change leads it to its death of one stage and birth of another stage.

This is true not only in the life of personal life but also in social, political as well as economical life of human beings. The transformation of personality depends upon quantity of quality-change, other wise rate of change of quality. That is, quantity changes quality and quality changes quantity, but quality is primary and quantity is secondary.  

In our life at some stages we will have to give up many things in our life to enter in to the next stage of growth, some times it might be character, possessions, some kind of relations etc, and accept quite new ones in place of   these given ups. Those succeed in doing so are the successful persons in life. The situations always compel us to make such adjustments to go to next stage of growth or transformation. We have the choice before us to either go through the required process to have change or remain unchanged, being unwilling to go through these molding process. 

Problems are the process which help us to kill or give up our existing self and acquire new one in the development of our lives. So those who are wise enough to use the problems shall  enter to the stages of development one after  another very easily and reach their goals. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Personal change, two aspects

Mark 2: 21-22  (Click here for online bible verses)

what verse 22 says is a common law in society as well as in nature. Whenever content changes there will be a corresponding change in structure.It is true in personal life also. Personal changes begins from  inner being. and when change of inner being culminated to a particular level, there should be a corresponding change on outer being. Inner-changes inevitably leads  outer to changes, to get transformed according to  inner being, and newly transformed inner and outer together perform  as a new creation. Content and structure are correlatives. So any change in content reflects on structure. If it doesn't occur so, conflicts will take place and that may ruin both. We can see this principle works in every sector of human life; polity, economy and society.

We can see two aspects of personal changes from these verses. A person begins his personal change from his inner being. Taking decision to make changes itself is the first step of changes of inner being. when  inner- changes culminated to a specific level it will inevitably reflects on one's outer life. If it doesn't happen so, there will be a conflict between his mentality and activity. This might leads to psychological disorders and neither his thought nor his life style can be saved, both go to astray. The opposite is also true. Without enough inner- change, one should not begin to perform to become one among a specific group or society. Some vested interests may lead people to do so but at last that will results in undesirable psychological effects on the personality.

Second thing as the verse 21 says, the person who decided to make changes in his life himself is an inner being in his society. To continue his personal change and development, he needs an outer, a suitable background, to stick on. He needs some like-minded people, in the way he thinks, to cooperate. A person who made changes in his life cannot continue or exist in his old group or background where he existed before his reformation. Either this group will harm him or his presence in the group will results in undesirable effects.

Look into the life of men of success as well as men of failure.Each and every one's relations have played great role in their success or failure. The unity of like-minded people helps each one of them to change and develop himself perfectly. So as persons we have to be like new wine in new wine-skin and as social being we have not to be a new patch on old cloth. New patch on new cloth, building new relations with like-minded people. Then only success is possible in personal as well as social life. Personal life is not independent of social life and vice versa is also true.